Professional Projects

Projects worked as vendors. Ordered from the most recent first.

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) December 2023 – April 2024

  • Product: Internal.
  • Client: Mitrais.
  • Tech stack: .NET, MongoDB, Next.js, GitHub Actions, SonarQube, Microservices, IIS.
  • Role: Backend Developer + DevOps.
  • Achievements:
    • Set up GitHub Organization, initial repositories, and Jira administration.
    • Implemented CI/CD using GitHub Actions.
    • Acted as Scrum Master on rotation.

CiAnywhere – Human Resources & Payroll October 2017 – December 2023

  • Product: CiAnywhere HRP Overview.
  • Client: TechnologyOne.
  • Tech stack: .NET Framework, .NET Core, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL.
  • Role: Developer.
  • Achievements:
    • Implemented various payroll and tax calculations tailored for Australia, New Zealand, and Great Britain clients.
    • Implemented Australian Single Touch Payroll (STP) & STP Phase 2.
    • Transitioned from legacy VB .NET based .NET Framework into C# based .NET Core 7.
    • Implemented bugfixes and other minor enhancements in various aspects of the product.

Tax Automation September 2016 – September 2017

  • Product: Internal.
  • Client: Bank Danamon.
  • Tech stack: .NET Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET.
  • Role: Developer.
  • Achievements:
    • Developed Corporate Tax module that manages fiscal reports.
    • Developed Accrual & Prepayment module that manages accrual and amortization calculation.
    • Supported the product including implementation of bugfixes.

Employee Connection September 2016 – September 2017

  • Product: Internal.
  • Client: Bank Danamon.
  • Tech stack: .NET Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET.
  • Role: Developer.
  • Achievements:
    • Developed Industrial Relations module that manages instances of company rule violations and low performance records.
    • Supported the product including implementation of bugfixes.

Personal Projects

Projects developed personally, for fun and experimentation.

Portfolio Website

A personal portfolio and blogging website, made with Ruby-based Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages.

Multi DB Web App

A demonstration of .NET web application that interacts with multiple databases, constructed with 3-tier architecture. Currently hosted on Azure Cloud.

  • Tech stack: .NET 8, SQL Server, SQLite, Blazor, Entity Framework Core, Azure, Swagger.
  • Link: GitHub.

Library API Demo

A demonstration of .NET Web API that handles relational database with caching feature.

  • Tech stack: .NET 8, SQLite, Web API, Entity Framework Core, Swagger.
  • Link: GitHub.

0 A.D. Auto-Queue

Gameplay mod(ification) of the open source RTS game 0 A.D. This mod acts as a proposal to include the Auto-Queue feature into the game. Currently integrated as part of 0 A.D main game.